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Tired of struggling with mess, clutter, and chaos at home and ready to get it under control but don't know where to start?

(I heard you say yessssssss!)

The 7-Day Chaos Control Challenge is a workshop to help you quickly end the cycle of mess, clutter & chaos in your home and create your dream life. At the same time.  

Ditch the printables. Try The 7-Day Chaos Control Challenge!

Limited Time Offer!

chaos control

Can you relate to either scenario???

(Perhaps both for all the real people reading this?)

#1. I get serious. I declutter. I clean. But nothing sticks. Except the crumbs on the floor. And the tear stains on my face.


#2. I'm so overwhelmed & tired. I haven't been making any progress lately...

Let's end this madness today! Once and for all.

Getting rid of chaos in your home doesn't require magic or mad science!


RULE #1.

Cultivate a core set of life skills that’ll help you reach any goal

RULE #2.

Have a clear vision to guide your actions & decisions

RULE #3.

Work WITH your personality instead of against it

You thought this was going to require mind-bending didn't you?! Nope!

Embrace those simple rules & you'll get your mess under control in no time.

Let's not kid ourselves. I'm not telling you anything new.

But I hear you saying you don't have the time or energy to figure those 3 things out on your own 😩. What's the easiest way possible to do this?

Shortcut straight ahead! 


⛔️ NO 16-week courses!

⛔️ NO overstuffed workbooks!

⛔️ NO time wasting fluff 

All that's included is what you need to finally end your never-ending drama with mess, clutter & chaos! 😊

This 7-day, 100% actionable workshop has all the instrospective wisdom and practical advice you need to breakthrough the obstacles that have made keeping up with your home a literal chore. And gain the tools you need to actually create your dream life in the process 👌.

✅ get more done by doing way less & getting more zzz’s

✅ work with your energy (& know how to boost it)

✅ secret habits to keep your house clean for good

All you need is 30-minutes a day for
7-days to successfully complete the chaos control challenge

This challenge was designed to be doable on any schedule and is perfect for any type of mess, so stop thinking you can't do it

Can you imagine waking up to a clean kitchen. Everyday??? 😱
It'd be like you're a whole new person, in a whole new life!

Hello new you 🥰

All rise.  The Chaos Control Challenge has entered the building…

Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed & get your chaos under control today!

The 7-Day Chaos Control Challenge is a workshop to help you quickly end the cycle of mess, clutter & chaos in your home and create your dream life. 

At the same time. 

chaos control

You will be getting the following awesomeness: 

🍿7 daily video lessons that are 10 to 15-minutes each (you got time)


✏️ the complimentary worksheets to complete the daily exercises


👑 planner templates to help you incorporate everything you learn in your day-to-day life


🕵🏾‍♀️ support from yours truly – I’m just an email away 

Regular price = $37

the "right now" price is only $17

This rock-bottom pricing WILL be going up!  

Here are more of the gems you'll get when you accept this challenge 🔥.

chaos control review

Here are some wins you can bet on…

✅ Video lessons so you can listen even if you’ve got a baby on your hip!  But of course, sitting down to watch the video lessons won’t hurt 🤪.  

✅  Stop “playing catch-up” with your house and discover what you need to create cleaning routines that work with your personality and season of life after once & for all.  (priceless)

✅ End the clutter wars in a very surprising way with your family once and for all. Discover how to organize your stuff in a way that actually works for everyone.  Pinterest pics don’t work for real life.

✅ Nix long to-do lists that never gets done!  Instead, learn the secret of the world’s most productive people. Hint:  They get way more done WITHOUT being stressed during the process.  

✅  Get out of the rut you’re in, and feel confident & successful at home and beyond.  Each day, you’ll gain a new insight and clarity that’ll help you feel organized and capable of creating the home & life you always wanted. 

✅ Discover why relying on motivation is a recipe for disaster.  Find out what you really need to transform your life for good!

✅  Lifetime access to the Chaos Control Challenge so that you can listen now, later, and any time you need to tighten up!


Is your environment elevating you or is it making you feel like a warm bowl of soggy cereal? 😩

– How much is feeling organized & having a home that reflects the best parts of you worth? 

– What would you give to a have a house that stays clean and looks gorgeous?

– And finally, how much would you pay to actually BECOME someone that doesn’t struggle with mess, clutter, and or chaos? 

You would need BOTH a life coach and a home organization expert to accomplish what’s in The 7-Day Chaos Control Challenge.  

If you aren’t catching my drift, that would cost a bazillion dollars.  Or something close to it.  THIS shortcut is only 17 bucks! 

The 7-Day Chaos Control Challenge is not some
overstuffed course that's impossible to finish.

The 7-Day Chaos Control Challenge is a workshop to help you quickly end the cycle of mess, clutter & chaos in your home and create your dream life. At the same time. 

Say NO to overhwhelm. 🙌

chaos control

You will be getting the following awesomeness: 

🍿7 daily video lessons that are 10 to 15-minutes each (you got time)


✏️ the complimentary worksheets to complete the daily exercises


👑 planner templates to help you incorporate everything you learn in your day-to-day life


🕵🏾‍♀️ support from yours truly – I’m just an email away 

the “right now” price is only $17

The Chaos Control Challenge is LESS than your Netflix subscription 🤓

⚠️ PAUSE ⚠️

If you’re still thinking your energy is too low or since you have ADHD this won’t work for you, you’re mistaken!   YOU are who this Challenge was designed for.  

And here’s a secret…

There’s nothing wrong with YOU.  Your current perspective + habits simply aren’t working for you!  Two things that can easily be improved.  Phew 😅 

There’s no money back guarantee.  

But what I do know is that if you’ve been dealing with stubborn mess, clutter, and chaos, Day 1 alone, will give you enough nuggets to improve your day-to-day life 🙌

I’m Victoria Alexander!  A vet, business owner, marketing strategist, and mother of three “sprited” children under 6 (with hormonal teenager attitude). 

I’ve worked with thousands of mostly women in dozens of countries around the world, helping them get control of the their homes while finding space to create the life of their dreams.  At the same time. 

This challenge is 6 years in the making and is exactly what I used to turn my life around. The principles that make up the foundation of CHAOS CONTROL are what I live by today.

If your home is not elevating you, and hasn't for some time now, I highly encourage you to give this challenge a try 🥰.


The strategies I live by are what you will be introduced to when you begin the 7-day The Chaos Control Challenge!

The principles in it are what I use to run my home smoothly.  And to keep up with my businesses.  And have absolutely no shame or guilt when I’m too tired to do anything.  

This challenge isn’t about perfection.  It’s about honoring your desire to  live in a home that elevates you.  

It’s about getting more done by doing less.  

It’s about being more intentional with your time.  (It really is precious.)  

Cutting off things that drain your energy and doing more of what excites you.  

Working smarter.  

Being wiser.  

Getting more rest. 

And being able to step back, look at yourself, and actually be proud of YOU. 

OH and kiss overwhelming mess, clutter, and chaos goodbye once and for all.  All at the same time.  

Last Call

Stay where you are? Or walk into your future?
Choose wisely.

I’m ready for something new in my life 🙌

I like where I am right now, bye!